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With the property practitioners act being passed into parliament (waiting final signature) and bridging the gap for buyers of second hand properties, it has finally followed international trends of buying properties with a property inspection in place.

This protects the buyers from the failed attempt from the consumer protection act didn’t address satisfactory when it came to property.

This new act has EMPOWERED the BUYER as now if the seller does not disclose items it can now be taken directly to the OMBUDSMAN for a ruling. This GAME CHANGING ACT WILL thus minimizing the costly legal route that needed to be followed in the past, and put both the BUYER and SELLER on an EQUAL footing.

By ensuring that a PROPERTY INSPECTION is completed not only is the INTEGRITY of the ESTATE AGENT being preserved but the buyer and seller are both being protected from any issues that may be discovered and can be remedied timeously before transfer has taken place.

This not only saves money when seeking retribution for damages but ensures transparent dealings when concluding the deal leaving very little to hold up the completion of the sale.This transparency will also help in valuing the property correctly and ensuring a quick sale as it will allow the TRUE VALUE of the property to be embraced.


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