HEAD OFFICE +27 (0) 87 012 5368 / 083 462 5369 info@anchorsa.co.za


In today’s climate and marketplace, it is IMPERITIVE to get a HOUSE CHECK done to make absolutely sure that what you are buying does not fall short of your expectations when you move into the house.

A property or Home check gives you the true condition of the property in order for you to make an informed decision on the property you are about to purchase with all the costs involved to ensure you not caught off guard with any unnecessary repair costs which have not be allowed for or budgeted for in the sales price.

BUYING a Property is a huge decision and it is imperative that the decision you make will not adversely affect the FINANCIAL WELL-BEING of your future before it has started.

By having the potential HOME CHECK by a MASTER INSPECTOR who is a professional INDEPENDENT INSPECTOR and certified allows you comfort in knowing the TRUE condition of the property and most importantly highlighting the LATENT and PATENT defects and the COSTS involved in the repairs of such defects as well as the fact that most purchasers overlook all the potential issues, nor do they climb on and in roofs etc to verify that everything is in order. Even if they do have some knowledge, they are not a MASTER INSPECTOR in the building industry that will pick up on all the essential issues which will be overlooked but will be COSTLY on OWNERSHIP of the property.

These hidden facts that are highlighted, could financially strain even the most seasoned home purchaser and getting a HOUSE CHECK done allows the potential BUYER to WALK AWAY from the house before it costs them everything.

Past properties inspected have highlighted substantial repairs that would have fallen onto the new purchaser had they not had a HOUSE CHECK done on the property before making that final offer. Costs have varied from R75 000 right up to approximately R2 500 000 repairs on a R7 million-rand property.

This is not the exception, but this is the NORM when buyers have insisted on an INSPECTION.

These costly repairs have then been negotiated off the selling price/ sellers have repaired such damage and other buyers have walked away from these deals which would have cost them more than the houses current market value.

While the buyer is GREATFULL for the savings made the seller feels aggrieved that they have potentially lost out on the sale or the price has been lowered.

The reality is that homeowners for the most have done very little maintenance over the past 15 years to their properties to maintain the condition of the property or to upgrade the property to keep the value related to the market at a level which would justify the price. 

ANCHOR PROPERTY INSPECTORS ensure both the buyer where those pitfalls on the house are, while highlighting to the seller that the price they are expecting is not related to the condition of their property.

BY ensuring you have the HOUSE CHECKED out by

ANCHOR PROPERTY INSPECTORS you will be confident in your next purchase.

Call for an appointment:
087 012 5368 / 083 462 5369

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