HEAD OFFICE +27 (0) 87 012 5368 / 083 462 5369 info@anchorsa.co.za

Which leads to the properties being on the market for lengthy periods which is both frustrating to the agent and seller.

In today’s climate and marketplace, it is IMPERITIVE to get the property accessed correctly from the start.

The biggest issue when selling properties is the HOMEOWNER for the following reasons:

  1. The property owner thinks that the house is worth more than the MARKET is showing and allowing.
  2. The property has not been decluttered and potential buyers cannot imagine the space uncluttered and with their furniture in the house.
  3. Maintenance has been neglected on the property which shows that it is not cared for correctly, which leads to buyers not wanting to put an offer in.
  4. The property has not been updated for years and hence not what current homeowners are looking for and the new buyer doesn’t want to come into a new property to do a renovation project.
  5. The latent and patent defects have not been assessed correctly and declared on the disclosure form for any potential buyer.

HOMEOWNERS can get their house checked out before they get an agent involved and market evaluated by procuring the services of ANCHOR PROPERTY INSPECTORS.


The unbiased assessment of the property and FULL HOUSE CHECK and inspection will highlight what the buyers are looking for and what is required to make it attractive to any buyer in this current MARKET CONDITIONS.

The assessment will also ascertain what the cost will be to eliminate any uncertainty the buyer may have when purchasing their new home. 

Costly repairs that the buyer applies to the REDUCTION of the home purchase can be eliminated by just attending to them before the potential buyers view the property. 

All the repairs/ decluttering/ de-personalizing of the property shows the BUYERS:

  1. You are serious about selling your home
  2. You cared for your home
  3. Why the SELLING price is justified and that there should be really no not to discount the property price.
  4. That all the SPLUMA act requirements and agents’ requirements have been addressed and ready for a quick sale.

IF you are serious about getting your property sold within the first few weeks on the market then book your inspection today and let’s get the property ready for SELLING.

ANCHOR PROPERTY INSPECTORS ensure both the buyer where those pitfalls on the house are, while highlighting to the seller that the price they are expecting is not related to the condition of their property.

BY ensuring you have the HOUSE CHECKED out by ANCHOR PROPERTY INSPECTORS you will be confident in your next purchase.

Call for an appointment:
087 012 5368 / 083 462 5369

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