HEAD OFFICE +27 (0) 87 012 5368 / 083 462 5369 info@anchorsa.co.za

Since lockdown, the property market has seen numerous fast moving changes to allow for the safety precautions caused by the Corona virus.

From 3D virtual tours being made the norm for property viewings which has allowed the property agents and buyers to aggressively be interactive when looking for new properties along with the ease of not having to drive around viewing properties, but rather from the comfort and safety of ones’ own home.

This being said it is more IMPORTANT to now ensure you get a PROPERTY INSPECTION done as even if a person did go and view the property people are cautious about social distancing and of touching surfaces which may lead to the unwanted Corona virus

A property or Home Inspection gives you the true condition of the property in order for you to make an informed decision on the property you are about to purchase with all the costs involved to ensure you not caught off guard with any unnecessary repair costs which have not be allowed for or budgeted for in the sales price.

BUYING a Property is a huge decision and it is imperative that
the decision you make will not adversely affect the FINANCIAL WELL-BEING of your future before it has started.

By having the potential HOME INSPECTED by a MASTER INSPECTOR who is a professional INDEPENDENT INSPECTOR and certified allows you comfort in knowing the TRUE condition of the property and most importantly highlighting the LATENT and PATENT defects and the COSTS involved in the repairs of such defects as well as the fact that most purchasers overlook all the potential issues, nor do they climb on and in roofs etc to verify that everything is in order. Even if they do have some knowledge, they are not a MASTER INSPECTOR in the building industry that will pick up on all the essential issues which will be overlooked but will be COSTLY on OWNERSHIP of the property.

These hidden facts that are highlighted, could financially strain even the most seasoned home purchaser and getting a HOUSE CHECK done allows the potential BUYER to WALK AWAY from the house before it costs them everything.

Property inspections are imperative when BUYING, SELLING, INVESTING in property including when BUILDING a new or renovation of existing properties. The SMALL cost of verifying that everything is done to the correct standard SAVES hundreds and thousands of RANDS in REPAIRS and remedial work required to bring those items up to standard.

BY ensuring you have the property inspected by
ANCHOR PROPERTY INSPECTORS you will be confident in your next purchase.

Call to book your appointment 083 462 5369 or Head Office 087 012 5368

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