Anchor Aluminium and Glass
Not only is our service efficient and professional but most of all our PRODUCT & SERVICE complies to the highest standard as set out by the NHBRC & SAGGA associations of good building practice. This ensures your safety and quality at all times

What are the benefits of fitting Aluminium windows and doors as opposed to wood or steel.
Steel windows while practical and slightly cheaper require maintenance, painting etc. in order for them to look good once installed, which both costs time and money. Money that could be better spent else where in the house.
Wooden windows and doors while looking warm and inviting if not treated correctly seasonally will lead to wood rot and will eventually require replacement which will be an unnecessary expense which adds no value to the property.
Aluminium frames come in different colours to match your colour pallet of the property.
Aluminium window and doors on the other hand are maintenance free. Which can be enjoyed hassle free for many years without costly maintenance on a yearly basis leaving you with spare cash to focus on other areas of the house.

Scope of our services

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